Our Story




Our founder, Dave Rochlen, grew up at the beach in Santa Monica, California. He was a lifeguard, surfer, dirt bike rider and paddle board racer who enjoyed the carefree Southern California Lifestyle. He had a degree from UCLA in Industrial Psychology. Like many others in his generation, his involvement in World War II changed his outlook on life forever. He visited Hawaii and met native Hawaiian surfer girl Keanuenue Ka'eo, whom he married in 1953
After the war, he returned to California to work for the Rand Corporation as a Systems Analyst. He appeared on the cover of LIFE Magazine in 1949 as an icon for this new beach lifestyle, and again in 1954 in underwater scuba gear as the stuntman for Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. In 1962, Dave was transferred to Hawaii for work and "uncomfortable with the government industrial complex" left his job and opened a surfboard shop called Surf Line Hawaii on Kona Street in Honolulu.
Back then Surf shops sold Surf Boards and not much else, but like always Dave had an idea.
Inspired by a group of Russians in their pajamas on the cover of Life Magazine. Dave asked his wife to cut a pair of Hawaiian print pajama pants into shorts for surfing. JAMS, short for pajamas was born.
Dave develops a love for traveling to curate textiles and art for his successful fashion business.
Dave creates brands for his kids Pua and Nohea to get them into the business.
"No self respecting teenager is without the uniform of JAMS" U.S. News 1986.
Dave develops his exclusive spun crushed Rayon in Japan, and the JAMS WORLD brand.
Hand Painted art on screen painted Rayon still cut and sewn in our Oahu factory.
Back then Surf shops sold Surf Boards and not much else, but like always Dave had an idea.
Dave's son, Pua, runs the company and retells Dave's stories for a new generation.