Boys Rayon Shirt: XS(4/5 - L(12/14) - 'Akala (Pink) Capri

We have partnered with Pali Momi Medical Center to participate in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the third year, with our limited edition 2022 'Akala(Pink) Capri Collection. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Hawai‘i Pacific Health Cancer Center at Pali Momi Medical Center. It is the first integrated center of its kind serving Central and West Oahu and the only program in the area nationally accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. Designed with the patient experience in mind, the center offers physician consultations, infusion therapy, cancer navigation services and more, including radiation oncology through a collaboration with the Cancer Center of Hawaii.
Now in Boys! Our classic button front shirt style.
- Button Front
- 100% Spun Crushed Jams World Rayon